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Southern Pea Seeds

Vegetable Seeds
Southern peas are a large family of legumes, also commonly called field peas, black-eyed peas, crowder peas and cowpeas. This highly nutritious legume is prized for its easy growing habits and dependable storage. Native to Africa, they are a staple in diets around the world including large parts of Asia, Latin America, and the American South. They can be eaten fresh or dried and are a main ingredient in Hoppin’ John, along with greens and rice. Harvest when pods are plump and filled out for cooking immediately or allow pods to dry on the vine before harvesting for long term storage. Nutrients: Protein, vitamins A, C, B6, folate (very high), thiamin, riboflavin.

Companions: celery, chicory, parsley, eggplant, turnip, lettuce.
Antagonists: none known.